Earlier this year, I designed these beautiful fingerless gloves for Knitcrate for the September membership crate, which is now available for everyone to sign up and get the special box with two skeins of yarn plus this pattern and another knit pattern.
This opportunity opens for everyone that committed to grow and love expanding themselves to the limitless of learning. It takes courage, responsibility, consistency and most of all LOVE FOR CROCHETING!
I have collaborated with Knitcrate or Love Crafts, We Crochet, Cascade yarns, Lion Brands (and many indie yarn companies) many many times. I think what makes everyone say YES to me is that I am the woman of my word! When I say something, I do it, and that makes the relationship with brands grow.
How can you get the first deal, sign the first contract?
I have to say that Instagram & Youtube were/are my strong PER-SO-NA! These platforms help me get contracts and clients, and of course, my crochet designs and how I work with my team and build crochet tribe make my voice trustable. But you don’t need to all that I do because everyone is different. And you don’t even need to be a crochet designer to get an opportunity to work with brands. You only need to know how to use your social media platforms. Today, I will talk about Instagram because almost everyone has it.
Do you know that your social media platform is your showroom, shop even you don’t have any product to sell just yet. It is called PERSONAL BRAND!
Everything you share photos/content is what represents your Personal brand, and for that, you gotta be mindful of what to share and what to write in the caption. Finding what your brand stands for is so important. I would like you to ask these questions to yourself.
- What are yours believe?
- Who are you talking to?
- What do you want them to feel?
- What can you help them?
Why your belief is part of the business?
Because we all yearn for connection, so be relatable, but that does not mean you have to try to relate with everyone because that is not possible! Keep in mind that not everyone will like what you do, but those who do are matter!
Who are you talking to?
Social media is a community, and if you use it only for sale page, you will never last long, or not even get discovered! I know because we all start from the bottom, from 0 follower to wherever we are today.
How you write your caption matter.
Think of it as if you are talking to your friends. Would you sell stuff to them all the time? No, you wouldn’t do that because they will leave you. Instagram is like that. You have to be genuine with your tribe, community. Noting is like TRUST, not even money! Because trust connects the dots.
So ask yourself…
What type of story you want to share in the caption?
What emotion do you want to bring to them?
And most of all, you gotta let them be part of your story. Ask questions. People love to share their opinions because we all want to feel important. It’s a natural human need.
See your business as service and you are here to serve.
Everything comes down to what can you give? Most people on Instagram start the accounts and think of what they can get, and that is THE END of their business.
What can you give?
There is so much you can give, my dear. You can give JOY, INFORMATION, INSPIRATION, MOTIVATION, IDEAS, SOLUTION, and these not even cost you money. Well, it will cost time to think of what you have, but it is such a fun ride because in the process of finding what you already have in you is a self-discovery of who you are. I have grown so much from running my business.
How can you make money from giving?
Back to the trust. When you do all that I have mentioned above. Whatever you want to sell, you will sell it before it’s even ready.
I test my products many times with this idea. You see me run pre-order of my crochet patterns while it’s still in the testing process. And I tell you, I sold 100 of copies before it hits the pattern shop, because they trust me.
The feeling is mutual.
Because of I concentrate on giving, I then attract the same minded, hearted people to my circle. They too, want to give! So they willing to support me no matter what I release, people buy.
Like attracts like. We are the magnet of what we have within. What you give out is what you get. IT IS LAW!
What can you help them with your product?
Crochet garment makes you feel connected with the ancient way of living; that is my belief, and I think those who spent money on handmade clothing have a similar mindset.
So you may ask yourself what your product stands out from every other shop?
Is it because you only use natural fiber?
Or you only craft with organic material?
Or you create only cozy garment for plus size woman?
Or you only work with second hand fibre?
You see, you can help your customer with what they are looking for by being crystal clear with what you offer.
When you knew the reason behind your brand and able to share, communicate clearly, you will connect with the right audience that matters to you.
Remember, don’t try to do everything for everyone. You will end up helping nobody. Define your specialty from what moves you the most. What is it that you are so passionate about that you can just talk, write, make all day every day with eagerness and make THAT the highlight of your work. Your customers (potential customers) need to know what you can help them? Then you will always be the one they turn to because they know you got an answer for them.
When you have a purpose in your business, everything falls into place.
It is much easier for brands to work with you because you know exactly who you are talking to, and you will attract the brands that share the same value, mission on this journey just like you do.
Standing out on social media is not about being famous, but it is about being transparent and helpful.
At least, it’s my point of view 🙂
Pin this on your board for later!
Let me know if you have anything to add on this topic and if you have any questions? I would love to discuss further with you. Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Maya xoxo
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